According to a report from, EA has sent an internal email to employees that they’re suspending the sales of “games, content, and virtual currency” to Russia via regional or in-game stores and their Origin service. That said, they’re not shutting down game servers for now. Unlike Microsoft and CD Projekt Red, Nintendo and EA have yet to make a public statement about cutting off service to Russia. Sony has also taken this route, quietly pulling Gran Turismo 7 from sale in the country. It will be interesting to see if they do eventually make public statements, and who might follow them in turning their back on the Russian market. We here at Wccftech hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and the safety of all Ukrainian citizens. If you wish to donate to the International Committee of the Red Cross to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, head to this page.

EA Tells Employees They re Halting Russian Sales  Nintendo eShop No Longer Available - 50EA Tells Employees They re Halting Russian Sales  Nintendo eShop No Longer Available - 39EA Tells Employees They re Halting Russian Sales  Nintendo eShop No Longer Available - 42EA Tells Employees They re Halting Russian Sales  Nintendo eShop No Longer Available - 14