Well, while nothing has been announced yet, the official Virtuos website has been updated, with the list of recent clients now including Konami. Virtuos also now claims to have done work with Konami’s Fox Engine. So yeah, while this isn’t a confirmation, the combination of the rumors, Virtuos employee tweet, and the studio confirming they’re working with Konami points strongly in the direction of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake being the real deal. That said, take this all with a grain of salt until Konami actually gets around to saying something official. If this turns out to be the real deal, it will be interesting to see what form this Metal Gear Solid 3 revival takes. I don’t expect it to be too daring a remake, as they don’t want to mess with the weird genius of Kojima’s original game. I’m guessing it will be more of a full-asset remaster akin to what Activision did with Crash Bandicoot and Spyro, retaining the level designs and gameplay, but totally redoing the game’s assets (we really need to come up with a new name for these types of projects). What do you think? Interested in jumping into Metal Gear Solid 3’s jungles again? Or is there another game in the series you’d rather see revisited?