Interestingly, Newell shared the hope that other vendors would create similar products to the Steam Deck. We thought the entry price was going to be the critical factor [for Deck’s success] but it turns out that far and away the most popular SKU is the most expensive one. That’s an example of us being a little surprised by what our customers are telling us. They’re basically saying, ‘We would like an even more expensive version of this’, in terms of horsepower capabilities or whatever. You know, that’s why we always love to get something out there and ship it. Because we learn a lot from that, and it helps frame our thinking for Steam Deck 2. One such capability for the Steam Deck 2 could be improved Virtual Reality support, according to Newell. The first iteration of the Steam Deck just isn’t powerful enough to properly support most Virtual Reality games. However, as discussed in our review, the Steam Deck is already a great PC handheld for regular gaming.

Steam Deck 2 Is Already Planned  Confirms Gabe Newell - 56Steam Deck 2 Is Already Planned  Confirms Gabe Newell - 38Steam Deck 2 Is Already Planned  Confirms Gabe Newell - 37Steam Deck 2 Is Already Planned  Confirms Gabe Newell - 43Steam Deck 2 Is Already Planned  Confirms Gabe Newell - 40