In a new post shared on Steam, the company confirmed that the Docking Station has been delated due to part shortages and manufacturing facilities closing down due to the current pandemic. A new release window has yet to be confirmed. Additionally, Valve confirmed that the Steam Deck Docking Station delay won’t have any impact on the production schedule and reservation windows for the console, as it uses different parts and is manufactured at different factories. Since its launch earlier this year, Valve has been improving the Steam Deck experience with new updates. The latest SteamOS update, which went live last week, introduced the ability to adjust in-game screen refresh rate on the fly, a new OS-controlled fan curve, and more. In the meantime the team is continuing to work on improving the docked experience for Steam Deck with all USB-C hubs and external displays. More information on the Steam Deck console can be found on its official website.

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